Thursday, March 29, 2012

S P R I N G   L O V E

i love a good garden shop. while we were out in beautiful cold spring harbor over the weekend we stopped in at the main street nursery to look over the early spring offerings. the best part was tucked in the back where they had the most adorable little barn and petting zoo. anyone who knows me, knows i'm crazy for animals so of course we had to hang a little.


Friday, March 23, 2012

I N   B L O O M

spring had definitely sprung around here. the cherry blossom tree in the year started blooming about 2 weeks ago and the neighborhood hardware store has exploded with spring plants. I have alot on my list.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A R T   P L E A S E

now that our living room dining room has some nice new furniture and rugs we need to do something about these enormous empty walls. since it's on the "schedule of the future" to renovate these rooms for real i guess we never fully embraced them and put anything on the finally hit me when my friend beth said "you're both designers and you have no art on your walls?"... that was 3 years ago.
these are the rooms we spend the most time in so it got a little nuts not to really try and make them as nice as can be until our walls are replastered and the floors are finished (so don't look at those :).

an idea we're toying around with are these great prints from inflatedeflated to hang above the table. could be fun and graphic as well as great conversation pieces.


Monday, March 5, 2012

T H A N K S   F O R   V O T I N G !

although designsmitten didn't make it to the finals of the Apartment Therapy's Homie Awards, we did get some great traffic and some new readers! so thanks again for taking the time to vote...hopefully you discovered some cool new blogs as well!


Friday, March 2, 2012

S T A L K E R ?

no i'm not a stalker...just an admirer of this gorgeous house...and especially the windowboxes...if you know me you know i love a fab windowbox...i think i took more photos of amazing windowboxes while we were in London than anything else!
anyway, we were riding bikes around brooklyn heights, i saw this house and i slammed on the brakes so hard i nearly endo-ed right over my handlebars. I'm always looking for interesting things to do in the windowboxes to cheer things up over the winter....but i've never seen this. so simple and clean, and truly a great idea. it just looked like simple birch branches stuck in the dirt (a little hard to see in the photo i know)...well i'm sure having a freaking gorgeous, flawless house with brand new custom looking window boxes and planters helps too!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

C O O L   S P A C E S

this weekend we went to this really fun place called tacombi on elizabeth street after visiting the NewMuseum. It's basically an outdoor-like or even beachy foodtruck in an enormous garage. super casual pcnic and card tables and you order from the vw bus where the awesome tacos are prepared. very cool and low key. even the bathroom was fun.
